State-Owned Enterprises will Bear the Brunt of this Year's Reform of Economic System Which has Eight Major Key Points

Category:Industry News         Release Time:2019-09-05         Number of Browse:0

        Reporters learned from the National Development and Reform Commission today that the 2016 National Economic System Reform Work Conference has been held recently. The conference has laid out a number of reforms in key areas to be launched or implemented this year.

        Specifically, the Conference identified the list of eight key reforms:

        First, deepen enterprise reform and strive to enhance the vitality of market micro subjects. Carry out a pilot demonstration of mixed ownership reform in state-owned enterprises, vigorously push forward reforms in electricity industry, oil and gas industry, salt industry and other industries, and bring fresh water to steady growth and structural adjustment.

        Second, continue to promote streamlining administration and instituting decentralization, the integration of decentralization and administration, and the optimization of services. Focus on the prominent problems that constrain mass entrepreneurship and innovation, enterprise investment and management, and convenience services, deepen the reform of "decentralization, administration, and service", do a good job in the pilot work of the negative list system for market access, and speed up the construction of a new market supervision system with integrity as the core.

        Third, deepen the reform of the investment and financing system. Reduce the scope of government approval to the greatest extent, further innovate investment and financing system and mechanism, greatly relax market access in key areas, and form diversified, marketized and sustainable infrastructure and public service input and operation mechanisms.

        Fourth, further push forward the price reform. Promote the three key price reforms of power transmission and distribution, medical services and railway passenger transport, expand the scope of the pilot reform of power transmission and distribution price, strengthen the linkage between prices and policies on medicine, medical insurance and medical care, improve the pricing mechanism for electricity, oil and gas, and other resource products, improve the government pricing system, and strengthen supervision during and after the event.

        Fifth, improve full implementation of the new urbanization system and mechanism. Push forward the reform of the household registration system to the ground, formulate and implement the plan to settle 100 million non-household residents in cities, accelerate the establishment of an incentive mechanism for the citizenization of the agricultural transfer population, push forward the reform of the housing system, and gradually intake eligible migrants into the scope of public rental housing supply, vigorously develop the housing rental market, and further promote the comprehensive pilot of new urbanization and the comprehensive reform pilot of small-medium cities.

        Sixth, build a new system of open economy. Steadily push forward the construction of "Belt and Road", implement a three-year rolling plan, accelerate to promote the international cooperation between production capacity and equipment manufacturing, expand the opening of service industries and general manufacturing industries, push forward the reform of the management mode of negative list of foreign investment, and innovate the inland opening and border opening modes.

        Seventh, improve the system and mechanism of innovation-driven development. Better combine innovation of system and mechanism with  innovation of science and technology, systematically carry out innovation and reform experiments in all-round way, bring into play the multiplier effect of "double innovation" and "internet plus", and improve the system and policy guarantee for mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

        Eighth, vigorously promote the reform of the ecological civilization system. Establish a system for the development and protection of land space, explore and promote the "integration of multiple plans" of various spatial plans, implement double-control actions on the total amount and intensity of energy and water resources consumption and construction land usage, promote the compensable use and trading of energy using right, emission right and carbon emission right, improve the ecological environment management and protection system, study the establishment of a national ecological civilization experimental zone with uniform standards, and further increase the national park system and the third-party control of environmental pollution and other pilots.

       At the same time, the conference also called for continued deepening of reforms in other key areas such as finance and taxation, finance, livelihood ensurance, and official vehicles, deepening of promoting the national comprehensive supporting reform pilot, strengthening of the standardization and guidance of special reform pilot, and giving full play to the demonstration, breakthrough, and leading role of the pilot in the practical reform.


(Source: - People's Daily Overseas Edition)

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